Math-a-thon Kick Off

Help the students of Mills Haven Elementary have some fun and earn prizes with our annual MATH-A-THON. A fundraiser that transforms math practice into fun games where students secure pledges for solving math problems, showing off their math skills and raising funds for the school all at the same time. Students will record their math minutes, and on PI Day, math will be incorporated into all education subjects for a unique and exciting experience.
The funds raised will be disbursed for commitments made by your School Council to enhance the experience for all of Mills Haven Elementary.
Important dates:
- February 3 - March 21, 2025 - Students gather Pledges for the MATH-A-THON and record the amount of minutes they have participated in math activities daily.
- March 13, 2025 - MATH-A-THON for Kindergarten B
- March 14, 2025 - MATH-A-THON for Kindergarten A - Grade 6
- March 21, 2025 - Accepting of pledges and donations closes
Share this link with friends and family for campaign details and pledging opportunities.
- The top three highest student pledge earners will receive a fun math themed game
- The top three students with the highest recorded minutes will receive a fun math themed game
- The class with the highest math minutes recorded will receive a pizza party
- The class with the highest pledge donations will receive a pizza party
- If the students are able to match the school goal of $12,500 the ENTIRE school will get a pizza party
- If the students surpass the school goal the entire school will get a pizza party PLUS a fun fill afternoon (details to come!)